Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer 2013

Its that time of year again for boating around Oyster Harbor and the Chesapeake Bay.

Here are a few tips for having a safe and low stress time.


If you plan to use the boat launch to launch you boat from a trailer, please be respectful of others in the launch area, and of the people living around it.  If you can, please drive your car and trailer home after you launch your boat.  If you can't do that, please park your car so it allows room for others to launch and park.

One great suggestion from a local resident is to leave a note with your name, cell phone number and time you think you will be returning.  That way, if someone parks in a way that blocks you, they will know when you plan to be back.  Also others can call to ask you to move your car when they are blocked in.  Food for thought.

You can't park your car and trailer on the Washington Ave. as it would cause too much congestion.  Also parking on Shore drive makes it hard for those trying to park at the beach.


We have a wait list for slips that is now automated and prioritizes by first come and boat size.  Use the button at the top of the blog to request a spot on the wait list.

Slip assignments or reassignments are made in the following order: 
1. Currently leasing a slip, fully paid and in no violation of Rules
2. Slip holder who must be moved due to construction or due to other changes
3. Slip holders who are over- or under-slipped, i.e., the slip size is too large or is inadequate for the boat
4. Slip holders desiring relocation
5. Waiting list (entered via the Slip Request form)
6. Those with a slip that has not been fully paid 

Overnight docking

We have had requests for transient dockage, for friends that come to visit residents by boat, or for residents who bring their boat to Oyster Harbor for the weekend.

Currently we have very limited space for transients but a few spots available are:
  • Back side of Fishing Creek Pier along the railing.
  • Left side of Booker pier near the bulkhead
  • Left side of floating dock at far end of Booker pier (if your boat is under 12')
If you or your friends are anchored in Fishing Creek, you may tie up to the white floating dock at Fishing Creek pier.  This is intended for short term or weekends only.

If you leave a boat longer than a weekend or overnight, your boat may be removed at your expense. If you have a problem, or need to stay for a few days, we recommend that you use the Slip Request button to tell us your contact info and boat registration number so that we don't have it removed.

Please note that any boat tying up to Oyster Harbor property must be legally registered and insured.

Also, we recommend that if you have a dinghy, you should contact Claire ( for a boat sticker. 

Watching your wake

The only 'designated' No Wake areas in Oyster Harbor are the anchorage and pier area in Fishing Creek, and the Oyster Creek Canal.  But no matter where you are, you are responsible for your wake.

Wakes damage the grounds behind the walls and causes erosion issues, as well as can damage other boats and cause injury.

It is the law not to operate your vessel at greater than 6 knots within 100 feet of any piers, docks and shoreline.

Please keep an eye our for kayaks and small sailboats. You must slow down for them when you pass.

(A thank you to Tom Cagle of the MD Natural Resources Police for the updated information above.)

Dock electric

There is electric power on all the Oyster Harbor docks.

Pump Outs

Oyster Harbor maintains a pump out for boats.  We modified it to also handle potable holding tanks.  The pump is located on Slip 2 of the Booker pier.  

The State of Maryland paid for the pump out and it is open to any boater.

If it wont turn on, the circuit breaker is located at the wooden platform near the dinghy rack.  PLEASE ENSURE THE POWER BUTTON IS TURNED OFF when you are finished using it.  You can hit the off button more than once, just to be sure.

Dock projects

We are planning a few dock clean up projects now that it is warm.  We are looking for volunteers on June 1 in the morning, before the beach party to replace some of the posts on the floating docks (both Booker and Fishing Creek) and remove rocks and stumps from Fishing Creek, old oyster floats from Booker and general debris from the boat ramp area.

Please contact me to sign up.

Storms and flooding

The occasional summer thunderstorm can cause damage and flooding in Oyster Harbor.  Please ensure your boats are tied up properly each time you use them, as these storms sometimes sneak in when least expected.  

Lost boats

Occasionally boats float away from moorings, beaches, and off floating docks.  Please ensure you get a sticker for your boat from Claire so that we can locate the owner quickly should one go missing.

We have contacts with neighboring communities and we all call one another when we find a lost boat.  With an OHCA sticker, we can recover lost boats much more quickly and with a lot less effort.

Crabbing and fishing off of piers

Its always fun to crab and fish off our our piers.  Sometimes people forget that our piers are shared space, and that privately owned boats there are not for public use.
  • Please do not walk on, enter, or use privately owned boats, floating docks, or dock boxes.   
  • No overnight crab pots are allowed off of the docks.  
  • Please don't leave old hand lines, bait or trash on the docks.
  • Please don't throw the rocks from the beach into the creek.  These rocks are necessary to stop erosion, and people, dogs and boats can hit them in the water.
All persons fishing are required to have a proper fishing license.  Oyster Harbor piers are controlled under Maryland fishing/crabbing laws.

We have lots of information on the Oyster Harbor Piers Blog.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Please be safe and have a great summer on the water.

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