Monday, June 8, 2015

OHCA Piers 2015 Update

Anyone notice the unending Southerly winds over the past 5 weeks?  I don't recall in the last few years that I have been Piers and Harbors chair, a period with this much constant wind from the south.

Boats in Fishing Creek have been getting the brunt of the winds.  But so far we have had no damage associated with the wind.

Almost everyone renewed their slip contracts this year.  We had a few come open, and offered them to the next boats on the wait list. I have not checked who hasn't paid as of June 1. We will do that in the next week or two and get notices out to those who haven't paid.

Projects this Spring were mostly repairing boards and fixing some electrical problems. The Pumpout is not working right and I hope to have that fixed this month. More dock boards and work is planned for Fishing Creek pier.

Once the winds clam down, there should be lots of kayakers and stand up paddle boarders out. So please be careful.

For those who are planning to purchase a paddleboard (SUP), please note the Maryland requires a life jacket on or with you.  The fine is $90 plus fees.  So don't forget your life jacket.

Fishing and crabbign have been pretty slow.  Hopefully that will change as the weather gets nicer.

There isn't much more to update the Community on as far as the piers, slips and docks are concerned.

We wish everyone a safe and fin boating season!