Monday, June 8, 2015

OHCA Piers 2015 Update

Anyone notice the unending Southerly winds over the past 5 weeks?  I don't recall in the last few years that I have been Piers and Harbors chair, a period with this much constant wind from the south.

Boats in Fishing Creek have been getting the brunt of the winds.  But so far we have had no damage associated with the wind.

Almost everyone renewed their slip contracts this year.  We had a few come open, and offered them to the next boats on the wait list. I have not checked who hasn't paid as of June 1. We will do that in the next week or two and get notices out to those who haven't paid.

Projects this Spring were mostly repairing boards and fixing some electrical problems. The Pumpout is not working right and I hope to have that fixed this month. More dock boards and work is planned for Fishing Creek pier.

Once the winds clam down, there should be lots of kayakers and stand up paddle boarders out. So please be careful.

For those who are planning to purchase a paddleboard (SUP), please note the Maryland requires a life jacket on or with you.  The fine is $90 plus fees.  So don't forget your life jacket.

Fishing and crabbign have been pretty slow.  Hopefully that will change as the weather gets nicer.

There isn't much more to update the Community on as far as the piers, slips and docks are concerned.

We wish everyone a safe and fin boating season!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spring 2015 Update

Winter Recap

Supposedly Spring is just around the corner.  Last year is took its time arriving. Hopefully this year it will come early, as I have a lot of repairs a projects to do on the piers.

This winter brought a lot of ice.  Sheets of ice on the Bay moved our channel markers around at the Mouth of Oyster Creek Channel.  Once its possible to get a boat out there, we will figure out how to move them back in place.

The red marker above is laying on its side about 50 yards southeast of where is used to be.  The green marker is appears as a tiny dot about 150 yards north of its original location.  
We will be replacing all the piling caps on the docks this Spring, to protect the pilings from water entering through the tops and causing rot.

We hope to add a few small slips for weekend tie-ups.  We know there are residents who keep their boats on trailers or at other marinas, but occasionally would like a place to tie up for the weekend. Once we have these planned out, I'll send an update.  Keep in mind the slips will be very shallow, and at best, only accommodate under 17' boats.

We will be adding a small floating dock with a ramp, at Booker to launch kayaks and paddle boards.  The larger dock is still at the end, and has spaces available to rent for small boat storage.  We moved the other dock to Fishing Creek, where hopefully it will serve as our Community Sailing Club boat dock.  The Community acquired two laser sailboats this fall. Both will be cleaned up and made available to residents.  We are still researching insurance liability, necessary release forms, and such.  I'll have an update later this Spring on all of that.

If you notice any boards missing or rotting on the docks, please use our webform to report it:

Slip leases

Its that time of the year for renewing slip leases.  We lease slips from May 1 to April 30th each year.  If you have  a current slip and wish to renew it, please let me know by emailing me at  Knowing is advance makes it much easier for me to plan.  I'll be sending emails to all slip holders shortly as a reminder.

Are you looking for a slip?  We lease slips for $24/foot.year.  We have a waiting list for larger boats (above 17'), and for Fishing Creek slips.  We have a couple slips available at Booker for smaller boats.

You can fill out a Slip request form on the website at: for one of the small slips or to get on the waiting list for a larger one.

Once I have responses back from current slip holders, I will start contacting those on the waiting list in the order they have requested a slip.  For those who don't know, our priority for slips are as follows:

  1. Current slip holder who must move due to changes in the piers or construction work
  2. Current slip holder who is in a temporary slip, awaiting a larger one or different pier
  3. Wait list for a slip that fits your boat, first come basis
  4. Wait list of a specific slip/pier (You will always be offered #3 first)
We try every hard to accommodate as many people as possible.  We tend to have 100% of the slips rented each year. 

If you have any questions or want to volunteer, please send me an email.

Happy Spring,

Harbormaster/Piers and Harbors Chair