Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thoughts of Winter

November is upon us, and as we think about winter and its coming cold, wind, and potential snow, now is a good time to think about your boat(s).

Here are a few tips and recommendations from OHCA Piers and Harbors for putting your boat(s) up for the  winter:
  • Boat US and many magazines have winterizing tips for boats.  There is no need to repeat them all on this Blog. But, if you don't have a winterization check off list that works for you, these sites are a great reference for information.
  • OHCA recommends, but does not require you to remove your boat from its slip for the winter.  
  • OHCA is not responsible for damage from ice, snow, storm surge, or other affects of nature. 
  • OHCA is not responsible for damage done to your boat if a piling or dock breaks free, or is pulled up during the winter.
  • OHCA has bubblers that we place to protect the docks from freezing.  They are not intended to protect boats and may not be placed where they will aid in keeping ice from forming around your boat.
  • Winter; with its storms, dramatic temperature changes, winds and storm surges can be very hard on boats.  Storing your boat properly can significantly increase the life expectancy of the boat.
  • Ultraviolet rays don't stop in the winter and will continue to do their worst to fiberglass, canvas and sails on your boat.
  • Kayaks and Dinks in the racks should be secured, covered and locked if you are going to leave them out for the winter.  Please make sure you have an OHCA sticker on them.
  • A very limited number of small boats can be stored for the winter by the Fishing creek Dingy Racks.  Please don't block other boats in.  
  • No boats on trailers may be stored in the parking lots or by the dingy racks. These are for small row boats, sail boats and kayaks only.
  • Don't trust that any ice around the Oyster Harbor community can hold the weight of a person.  
  • Be careful on docks and walkways, as ice forms faster near the water, on docks, and on boats than on the ground.

Here are some slip specific notes for all slip holders:
  • If you are not planning to renew your slip in April 2012, please let us know as soon as possible.
  • If you have not paid for your slip yet, please get your payment in immediately.  Collection letters will be going out in December.  If you have not paid, you will loose your slip in 2012 and any rights to rent another slip until you are paid up.
  • If you tie your boat to a dock or bulkhead without paying for a slip, OHCA will begin enforcing removal of boats, beginning this winter.  

If you have questions or concerns, or if you notice damage to a pier, please let Claire or myself know.  

We wish everyone a warm and safe winter. 

Eric Epstein
Piers and Harbors Committee Chair

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Irene Gives Oyster Harbor a Break

Irene has come and gone, and in her wake she did not leave much damage as far as our community boats were concerned.  Fortunately many residents chose to take their boats out of the water, which was a great idea.  My boat in Fishing Creek recorded the highest gust at 62kts, at about 2am.

Of course many trees did not fare so well and power has been out for a few days.  We know of a couple homes that were damaged by falling trees.

In Fishing Creek, two boats that were not part of Oyster Harbor did sustain damage.  A Hunter 36 broke off its mooring.  The line they had on the mooring chaffed through and the boat broke free.  Fortunately the boat had an anchor out as a backup and that kept it from getting blown south, out of the creek and into the Bay.

The other boat was in a slip in Fishing Creek Farms.  The owner decided not to take down the roller furling Genoa.  It came unfurled during the storm and was shredded in the wind.  It also pulled the boat against the pilings and bulkhead and did some damage to the hull.

Stories from other Annapolis marinas were similar. many who did not prepare their boats well had some damage from sails coming undone, canvas blowing off, line chaffing through and water leaking into boats.

As we did not have any storm surge, we did not have that issue to worry about - this time.

Steve Burkholder decided to go for a sail in the early part of the storm.  Here is a video of his fun.

Here's hoping Hurricane Katia does get a hankering for Maryland Crabs.

A special thanks to everyone who helped out with boats, piers and all the Oyster Harbor public areas.  We really appreciate all your time on a hundred little tasks including taking in the flags, turning off dock power and helping neighbors with their boats.

Safe boating,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hurricane Irene Preparation

OHCA is asking all slipholders to make plans to safe-guard their vessels from Hurricane Irene.

We are keeping a close eye on Hurricane Irene. Some part of the storm is expected to have an effect in our area. Some models suggest the storm will be coming near, but not into the bay.

This means that some amount of wind, rain and storm surge will have an affect on OHCA piers.  The magnitude of the effect can vary greatly.

Storm Surge Effects

While most OHCA piers are shielded from high winds, the rising water from the wind and low pressure can cause a Storm Surge that can not be blocked. Storm surges can raise boats in slips beyond the limit of their lines and the height of the pilings which can pull the boat under water or cause severe damage. 

Here is a quick guide to storm surge effects:

  • Less than 2 feet - normal tide range
  • 3-4 feet - Fishing creek pier may be covered with water and the boat ramp parking lot may be flooded.
  • 4-6 feet - Booker pier may be under water, and Booker parking lot may be flooded. Fishing Creek pier will be well under water with only pilings showing.  Many boats at all piers will have significant strain on their lines and risk being pulled under water.  A risk of electrical shock from pier and other power services will exist.
  • 6-8 feet - All OHCA piers and parking lots will be under water.  Access to boat slips will be by row boat. Washington Ave and Shore Ave will be flooded.  Boats on the dinghy racks will be at risk. Many boat's dock lines will be at their limit.  Fishing Creek boats may bang the top of the pilings and be damaged.
  • 8+ feet - Most streets heading to the water will be flooded.  The emergency fire pumping stations will  be under water. Most boat dock lines will be beyond their maximum stretch and will either part or pull the boats under water.

Below is a link to the tidal surge for our area:

The best way to prepare for Hurricane Irene is to pull your boat out of the water with a trailer or at a local marina.  

If you plan on leaving your boat in the water, below is some advice for hurricane preparedness.

What you will need:
  • extra lines for dock lines and securing canvas and sails
  • chafe protectors
  • fenders
  • duct tape
  • flash light with spare batteries
What you should plan on doing:
  • securing or removing biminis, dodgers, life rings, etc
  • double line your dock lines
  • add additional chafe protection
  • use extra fenders
  • verify batteries are fully charged
  • leave automatic bilge pump on
  • disconnect shore power
  • close fuel valves
  • close all through-hull fittings
  • verify cockpit drains are clear
  • duct tape any non-watertight hatches
  • remove boat papers
  • lock boat
  • secure your dinghy on the dinghy rack
  • assist your neighbors if necessary
  • ensure the harbor master has your most current contact information - including cell phone
  • do not park cars in any of the parking lots near the piers during the storm
  • check with your insurance company to see if they will pay for haulout and storage fees during a named storm
  • verify your insurance information.  All boats in OCHA rented slips are required to carry liability insurance.
  • Electric power will probably be turned off to all docks during the storm.
  • Don't put yourself at risk during the storm.  
If you have a boat in a dinghy rack, make sure its secured with line.  Don't assume because it higher up that it is safe from wind or water.

Here are some links from BoatUS:
Hurricane Prep Guide
Hurricane Prep Guide 2
(Thanks to Michael Paroby for sending these)

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me, Eric Epstein at 410-575-4001 (eric @

Aftermath of Category 3 Hurricane
Other sites to watch for status:  

Prepare early and be safe.  

Lets hope Irene moves to the east and misses the Chesapeake Bay.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

OHCA Slip Measurements

 There have been many questions about what boats can fit in our OHCA slips.  So we took on the task of measuring each slip for depth, length and width.  We also worked to determine the maximum length and width for each slip; based on slip size, adjacent slips that might be blocked, and intrusion on neighboring piers.

Beginning with the next lease renewals in the spring of 2012 OHCA will begin enforcing length limits on slips so that everyone may enjoy their slips without incursion on others.
All depths are at mean low water (normal low tide) at the back of the slips.  Slip depth does not guarantee that the area outside the slip is as deep.

Here is a quick summary:

  - Boat lengths supported by OHCA Slips can handle, depending on beam and draft:
  • 9 boat slips up to 30-31 feet
  • 6 boat slips up to 27 or 28 feet
  • 2 boats slips up to 25 feet
  • 1 boat slip up to 21 feet
  • 3 boats slips up to 19 feet
  • 2 boats slips up to 18 feet
  • 8 boats slips up to 17 feet
  • 4 boats slips up to 16 feet

   - Slip depths*
  • No slips in OHCA are deeper than 4.5 feet at mean low water
  • The average depth is 3.5 feet
  • The slips are slightly deeper at Booker and the Boat ramp, than at the Fishing Creek pier.

* The entrance channel to Oyster Creek is 4 feet in most of the channel but there are some spots that are 3.5 feet.

Feel free to contact me (Eric Epstein) or the OHCA manager with any questions.

PIER 1 - Booker

PIER 1 - Booker

PIER 2 - Boat Ramp
PIER 2 - Boat Ramp

PIER 3 - Fishing Creek
PIER 3 - Fishing Creek

Monday, June 20, 2011

Speeds and Wakes

This season has brought a lot of questions and opinions on Speed limits in the two creeks that border Oyster Harbor.  

Some folks are tired of boats speeding by their homes or moorings, and having to worry about wakes and potential damage to their boats - not to mention spilling your drink while you relax at anchor.  Many with this view point want one or both creeks made into speed controlled zones that are meant to reduce wakes.

Other's enjoy the aspects of tubing, skiing, Personal Water Craft (PWCs) or the desire to get to the Bay or back to the slip quickly.  They enjoy the speed and feel that places to ski, etc are already too limited on the Bay. Many will argue that their boats make smaller wakes at high speeds than slow speeds.

The State of Maryland is concerned about erosion and environmental issues.

All sides can make a good point for their argument.  But both sides of the speed issue are probably missing a couple key points. I hope to clarify these here.

First, in Maryland, its against the law to pass within 100 feet of a moored boat, anchored boat, dock, or land at faster than 6 knots.  That said, if everyone followed that one rule then most problems such as; boats and people being knocked around, kayaks overturned, and annoyances to those anchored out could be avoided.  Most skiers and PWC owners would probably find less people would want to get them off the creeks.  This also means that by definition, the mooring field in Fishing Creek is a 6 knot restricted area - as any anchorage would be.

Second, common courtesy towards other people on the water is missed by many people driving fast.  Courtesy especially towards kayaks is a big problem in our creeks.  

Third, Maryland has regulations that specifically define certain localities as "Speed Restricted" and lists those on its web site.  This causes confusion to boats who assume that everywhere else is not "Speed Restricted".  The reality is that the distance from piers, boats, people in the water, and density of boats in the area are all factors that DNR could use to give you a ticket for one of many unsafe boating practices.

In Oyster Harbor, its important to respect that our creeks are lined with boats, that people use the water for everything from Kayaks to 30 foot power boats, and that boats on moorings can be tossed about by wakes from boats speeding nearby.

So enjoy the creeks for everything, including skiing, tubing and your PWC.  But be conscious of those around you and watch your wake near boats and docks.

Your comments are welcome on this and any Blog topic.

Please note that DNR will be reviewing erosion caused by wakes this summer in Oyster  Creek.  

Contact the office, or myself with any questions.

Safe Boating...

Sunday, June 5, 2011


As part of your slip rental agreement, you must adhere to the Community Pier Rules and Regulations.  The purpose of these rules is to help ensure safety of people and property, and give everyone the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of living in Oyster Harbor.

Please keep in mind that the slips and public launch areas in Oyster Harbor are intended to allow residents to take advantage of local waters with locally suited boats.  OHCA slips are not intended to provide competitive services to commercial marinas - nor to provide slips or services common to large boats.

The most recent Rules and Regulations are provided below. Additional Rules and Regulations are posted on the OHCA website at 

April 1, 2011

1. All Oyster Harbor property owners meeting the following eligibility requirements may be assigned a slip at a community pier subject to the following rules and regulations. The assignment of a slip constitutes a license from the Association to the slip holder to the use of the slip and its appurtenances.

2. Eligibility Requirements:

a. Boat must be owned by, and registered to, a bona fide Oyster Harbor property owner;
b. Boat must hold current registration, or be properly documented
c. Boat must be properly insured.

3. Slip fees are $2.00 per foot of boat length overall per month. Slip license agreements will take effect on May 1, and will remain in effect until April 30 of the following calendar year. Slip fees covering the entire period of the contract are due in advance upon acceptance of assignment. Slip fees must be paid by check or money order made payable to Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc. A receipt must be given for any monies collected. The slip assignment chairperson shall maintain a duplicate receipt for auditing purposes.

4. Renewals of slip license agreements shall be based on compliance with all rules and prompt payment of slip fees, and shall be subject to approval of the Piers and Harbors committee and the President of Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc.

5. Application for slip assignment must be made in writing to the slip assignment chairperson. The chairperson will make application forms available to any person requesting them. Applications must be accompanied by a $20.00 non-refundable deposit paid to the order of Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc. The deposit will be credited against fees due upon slip assignment. If a person's name is dropped from the waiting list for any reason, the deposit is forfeited.

6. Property owners may be assigned only one slip, regardless of the number of properties owned. Multiple owners of a property shall be considered one person for the purpose of slip assignment.

7. Slip holders must own a boat properly registered in their name. A sixty day grace period may be granted by the slip assignment chairperson to accommodate individuals buying or trading boats, provided adequate proof of intent is provided to the slip assignment chairperson.

8. Slip assignments or reassignments will be made in the following order:

(1) Slip holders who are over- or under-slipped, i.e., the slip size is too large or is inadequate for the boat
(2) Slip holders desiring relocation
(3) Waiting list with paid deposit
(4) Waiting list with unpaid deposit

Any slip reassignment decision made by the slip assignment chairperson shall be final, and the change shall be made immediately.

9. The slip assignment chairperson will make every reasonable attempt to notify eligible applicants of a slip availability. If all attempts at written and telephone notification are unsuccessful, after seven calendar days the next person on the waiting list will be offered the available slip. Unsuccessful attempts at notification will not be regarded as rejection of a slip, and the applicant's position on the waiting list will not be changed.

10. Applicants may reject a slip assignment once without losing their relative position on the waiting list. Upon rejecting a second slip assignment the applicant's name will be placed on the bottom of the list.

11. Offers of slip assignment shall remain in effect for seven days. Failure to accept an offer of slip assignment within seven days of notification shall be considered rejection of the assignment.

12. After accepting a slip, an applicant may request a relocation to another slip. This request will be considered as per the priorities list in paragraph 8.

13. Slip license agreements must be signed by all owners of the boat. All persons signing the slip license agreement shall be deemed to be slip holders.

14. Positions on the waiting list are not transferable.

15. Slips agreements may not be assigned or transferred. Violation of the assignment or transfer regulations shall result in automatic and immediate termination of the slip license agreement.

16. Slip holders who relinquish their slips will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list upon submitting a slip assignment request with proper deposit.

17. In the event a slip is vacated, prorated refunds covering the remainder of the slip license agreement will be made only after the slip is reassigned. The amount to be refunded will be the amount of the full slip license fee prorated from the date of reassignment of the slip until the end of the license year.

18. Slip holders may allow guests to occupy their slips for a maximum of fourteen days per year. The slip assignment chairperson must be notified of all guests. Proper notification will prevent the inadvertent removal of invited guests' boats from community piers.

19. All boats must be kept in safe and seaworthy condition. Upon notification by the assignment chairperson of a violation of this provision, the boat owner shall take immediate steps to correct any safety or seaworthiness violation. If the situation is not corrected within thirty days after notice is sent to the boat owner at the address set forth in the slip license agreement, the boat will be removed from the slip at the owner's expense. In situations where a grave danger to community safety or a pollution hazard exists, the slip assignment chairperson may take immediate action to correct the situation, at the owner's expense.

20. All boats in slips must display a current registration sticker or hold proper documentation.

21. Slip holders shall be held responsible for all damages caused by their boat, regardless of the identity of the operator. Slip holders shall ensure that all operators exercise proper caution and observe the rules of good seamanship when operating in the harbor, or close to the community swimming area. Operators shall obey all U.S. Coast Guard and Department of Natural Resources regulations. No overboard discharging of heads is permitted.

22. Neither slip holders, nor any guests, agents, or employees of a slip holder, may make any improvements, repairs, or modifications to slips, pilings, or docks, or to any electric or other utility installations serving the slips, piers or docks, without the express written consent of the Board of Directors of Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc. Any approved improvements, repairs or modifications shall become the property of the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., and the slip holder shall have no claim thereto, including any claim for compensation upon the termination of the slip license agreement. If any such person shall make an unauthorized improvement, repair or modification, the slip holder, at the option of the Association's Board of Directors, either shall restore the slip, piling dock or utility installation to its preexisting condition, or shall pay to the Association as damages the cost of doing so.

23. Slip holders are responsible for the conduct of their guests. Violation of these rules by a guest of the slip holder shall be deemed a violation by the slip holder. Slip holders also are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the piers around their assigned slip.

24. No fires, including charcoal grills, are allowed on the piers or on a boat moored to the pier.

25. All pets must be kept on a leash except when on board a boat. Pet droppings must be removed from community property immediately. Pets shall not be left tied to community property when the owner is not present.

26. Small boats, dinghies, and tenders are to be stored in designated areas of community property only.

27. Noisy operation of boat engines while at the piers is prohibited. Sailboat booms and halyards shall be secured in a manner that prevents noise during high winds.

28. Trash or debris containing petroleum products or residue, or any other hazardous substance, shall not be placed in community trash receptacles or left anywhere on community property, except at a location which expressly may be designated by the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., for that purpose.

29. Any appeal of a decision made by the slip assignment chairperson must be made in writing to the Board of Directors of Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc.

30. Each slip holder must be given a copy of the community pier rules and regulations upon making application for a slip license agreement.

31. Slips are assigned in a manner that ensures the fairest use of slips by community members. Any slip holder who fails to use the assigned slip on a regular basis shall have the slip license agreement terminated for the good of the community.

32. Copies of all executed slip license agreements shall be distributed as follows:

a. Original to slip holder;
b. Copy to slip assignment chairperson;
c. Copy to President.

33. If, for any reason, the slip holder is unable to comply with these rules and regulations, the slip license agreement may be terminated for the good of the community.

34. Slip holders shall be responsible for any and all injury/damage to any person or property caused by the negligence, gross negligence, or intentional wrongful act or omission, of the slip holder or any guest, agent or employee of the slip holder. Upon demand, the slip holder promptly shall reimburse the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., for any such damage caused to the dock, piers, pilings, slips or community property. The slip holder shall hold harmless and indemnify the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., and its agents, servants and employees, from and against all claims, demands, judgments or liability of any nature whatsoever, by any person whatsoever, arising from the negligence, gross negligence, or intentional wrongful act or omission, of the slip holder or any guest, agent or employee of the slip holder.

35. Neither the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., nor any agent, servant or employee of the Association, shall be liable for any loss, damage, or personal or bodily injury or death, except as may be caused by the intentional wrongful act by the Association, or its agents, servants or employees, to the person or property of the slip holder or the slip holder's family and guests, including the boat, its inventory and equipment, whether such loss, damage or personal or bodily injury or death be occasioned by fire, theft, Act of God, or any other cause or condition. The slip holder shall indemnify and save harmless the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., and its agents, servants and employees, from or against all claims, demands, judgments or liability of any nature whatsoever, by any person whatsoever, arising from or in connection with the berthing, maintenance, use and operation of the boat in the slip or at or about the Association's piers and docks, or the use of the slip, piers or docks by the slip holder or the slip holder's guests, agents or employees. The slip holder shall assume full responsibility for any and all personal or bodily injury or death and property damage arising out of the berthing, maintenance, use and operation of the boat in the slip or at the piers or docks, or occurring to the slip holder, and the slip holder's guests, agents and employees, through the use of the slip, piers and docks. The slip holder shall procure and maintain during the term of the slip license agreement, and submit with the slip license agreement proof of insurance ($500,000 combined single limit minimum liability insurance and property damage insurance in an amount not less than the value of the boat and its contents) with respect to the slip holder's responsibilities under the slip license agreement, and the failure to maintain such insurance in full force and effect shall be cause for cancellation of the slip license agreement. Any such policy of insurance shall name the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., and its agents, servants and employees, as additional insured’s.

36. Slip holders shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations governing the use of the community dock, piers and slips, and the operation of boats therein, in any waters in the vicinity of the Association's piers and docks, and in the harbor.

37. Upon default or violation by the slip holder of any of the terms and conditions of these rules and regulations or the slip license agreement, which shall include violation of any law, ordinance, rule or regulation of the United States Coast Guard, State Department of Natural Resources, or any other governmental agency, non-payment of dockage fees or any other sum due under these rules and regulations or the slip license agreement within thirty (30) days after such payment is due, or other default in the performance of any other obligation imposed upon the slip holder, the Oyster Harbor Citizens Association, Inc., at its option, by mailing written notice to the slip holder at the address specified in the slip license agreement, may declare the slip license agreement to be in default and, thereupon, shall have all rights and remedies available under the laws of the State of Maryland to recover possession of the slip and evict and expel the boat there from, and recover unpaid dockage fees and other sums, and the slip license agreement shall be terminated. The slip holder, upon default, shall voluntarily vacate the slip upon demand.

38. If a slip holder violates the slip license agreement, the slip holder shall pay to the Oyster Harbor Citizens' Association, Inc., the reasonable attorney fees, costs and expenses incurred by the Association in enforcing its rights under the slip license agreement or curing any breach of such agreement.

39. This Agreement, when properly executed by all parties, is in effect month to month from May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012. If you are notified to vacate your slip during the demolition/ construction phase of the Piers and boat slips Refurbishment Project, your slip fee during that period will be refunded on a pro-rata basis. You will be responsible to make alternate arrangements for berthing your boat and removing your dock lines. Failure to remove your boat after being notified will result in removal of your boat from the community pier at owner’s expense. This Agreement is not transferable or assignable.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Call for Slip Renewals

We have sent contracts to everyone and have eight boats that have not replied.  We have a few boats waiting for slips, so PLEASE get your signed and paid contracts back ASAP.

After June 1, we will start assigning slips to wait listed boats and you may end up loosing your slip.

Also note: If you do not have a contract on the slip you are in and have not paid for it, then IT ISN'T YOUR SLIP!

If you have any questions, please contact Eric at 410-575-4001, or Claire Dillion at

Happy boating!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Details on the three OHCA Piers

Pier 1 – Is located near the intersection of Booker Drive and Washington Ave.  The dock can handle 16 boats up to 17 feet and has a storage rack on shore for nine small boats or kayaks.  Most slips are less than 2’ in depth.

Pier 2 – Is located adjacent to the Washington Street Boat Launch Ramp and has three slips.  The ramp dock is for use in launching boats and is not intended for long term or overnight mooring of boats.  The parking area can be used for storing your boat trailer and car for the day – on a first come, first serve basis.  Please be careful not to block other cars when parking.

Pier 3 – Is located at the end of Fishing Creek Road.  It has 16 slips for boats up to 30 feet.  The outer slips are less than 3 feet deep and inner slips are about 1 foot deep.

The pier has a locked gate as no houses are adjacent to it for neighbors to watch the pier.  The key is the same key that works the swimming beach on Shore Drive.  Keys can be obtained by contacting the Community Manager at

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about slips.  If you have any other questions, please contact the Community Manager at or the current Piers and Harbor’s volunteer (Eric Epstein eric @  This FAQ and OHCA are not considered legal advice or a legal interpretation of the law.

Are there open slips available this year for rent in Oyster Harbor?
There are usually slips available, mostly for smaller boats in shallower slips.  Typically a slip for a boat under 16 feet that draws a foot of water, such as skiffs, dinks, rowboats, sailboats with swing keels, and other small Bay boats don’t have a waiting list for slips.

How long is the waiting list for a larger boat?
Of the 34 slips in Oyster Harbor, only about 6 can accommodate boats that draw more than 2 feet of water.  These slips are quite popular - as a comparable slip in a commercial marina is about three times the annual cost of those in OHCA.  The wait can be three years or more for certain slips.

Is Oyster Harbor going to increase the number of slips?
The Community is working on ideas to add slips.  These slips will be generally for small boats; i.e. Lasers, dinks, sunfish, rowboats, kayaks, inflatables, etc. as the water is shallow and dock expansion is all but impossible.

Will OHCA ever dredge the slips to make them deeper?
Not in the foreseeable future.  Permits and regulations highly limit the ability of OHCA to dredge slips.  Slips have never been deep and it is not the intention of the Community to provide commercial marina equivalent services.  The intent of the piers, launch areas and slips are for OHCA residents to utilize the local waters with boats suited to these waters.

Can I volunteer to help with maintenance on the piers and common areas?
Yes, volunteers are very welcome.  We hope to be putting together projects that can be done by volunteers.  OHCA will send an email or notice in the bulletin once these are organized.  Late spring and early summer will be the times for most, except bubblers which are installed in early winter.

Who can use the pump-out facility on Pier 1?
The pump-out is for public use.  Anyone from any surrounding community can use the pump-out to empty the holding tanks on their boats.  However, the pump-out is not for bailing out boats or emptying commercial waste.  Violators or vandals will be reported to Anne Arundel police.

If I see something broken on a pier, or a boat sinking, whom do I notify?
All questions, observations, or problems can be directed to the OHCA Manager at  For emergencies, also contact Eric Epstein at 410-575-4001 or eric @ who maintains a list of the slip lease holders and can contact them.

I find that it is hard to center my boat in my slip, especially on Pier 1 due to odd piling locations.  Is there a way to better secure my boat and keep it from rubbing on pilings or getting caught under the cat walk?
There are lots of options for securing boats, but some have found that securing the boat to the outer piling opposite of the cat walk with Tide Minder ( floats or a metal ring will keep the boat better centered and away from cat walks.  Also the use of spring lines and crossing stern lines to keep the boat pulled away from hazards is highly advised.  See the following link for ideas:

What is the mailing address for correspondence to OHCA Piers and Harbor’s committee?
All email can be routed through and postal mail sent to:

Oyster Harbor Citizens Association
ATTN: Piers and Harbors
PO Box 3174
Annapolis, MD 21403

Why do I have to provide current registration and proof of insurance on my boat?
State, local and OHCA regulations have registration and title requirements that must be adhered to for vessels utilized in Maryland waters.  By extension, any organization that leases space to boats is required to verify the vessel is properly registered.  OHCA insurance does not cover damage to your boats, or damage to other boats done by yours.  Thus, you must have insurance on your boats to store them on OHCA property.

Each year when you renew your slip you need to show that your registration and insurance are current.

This FAQ is not considered legal advice or a legal interpretation of insurance or liability.

Are there “No Wake” zones in Oyster Harbor and Fishing Creek?
Currently there is one “No Wake” zone in the community which is in the entrance canal to Oyster Creek.  The Oyster Creek harbor and Fishing Creek are not restricted, except by Maryland regulations on speeds as follows:
  1. No motor vessel or PWC may be operated on Maryland waters at a speed in excess of 6 knots within 100 feet of any bridge abutment, shore, wharf, pier, or persons in the water.
  2. A PWC may not be operated faster than 6 knots within 100 feet of another vessel. There is an exception for crossing or overtaking situations as described in the Federal Rules of the Road.
  3.  It is illegal to operate a PWC above idle speed in water less than 18 inches in depth.
  4.  Except  when  taking  off  from  shore, a boat  towing  a water skier  must  stay  at  least  100 feet from the shore, piers, bridges, people in the water, moored boats, and other passing boats.
  5. Boats towing water skiers are not exempt from any speed regulations.
  6. Boat operators are responsible for any damage caused by their wakes.

This FAQ and OHCA are not considered legal advice or a legal interpretation of the law. For more information on Maryland boating law refer to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources: ; and the Maryland Natural Resources Police at

Do OHCA residents need fishing licenses?
Yes.  OHCA does not own a community fishing license and all residents over a certain age must possess a fishing license to fish in Maryland waters.  For regulations and to buy a fishing license, please see:

There is a floating dock in a slip with no boat on it, can I use the dock for fishing and crabbing?
All numbered slips are with vessels, docks or equipment in them are rented to OHCA residents.  Anything in those slips is considered private property and not for public use.

Can I keep my boat in a slip overnight, for a week, or for just a month?
Currently OHCA does not have a transient slip policy.  Any boat utilizing OHCA property must be properly registered and insured.  If you have to moor a boat on OHCA property due to a broken engine, etc. please contact the OHCA manager or piers and harbors volunteer(s) so that your boat is not removed/towed.

Are my kids exempt from Maryland lifejacket and boating safety regulations while on OHCA property?
All operators of vessels anywhere in Maryland, including OHCA property must have proper boating safety courses and lifejackets as required by law.  For more information on Maryland boating law refer to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources: ; and the Maryland Natural Resources Police at

Will OHCA remove boats that are moored outside of a slip, in a public area, on the beach, or sunk?
Yes.  If the boat has an OHCA sticker, we will make every attempt to find the OHCA resident owning the boat prior to towing it.  With or without a sticker, OHCA will remove boats that are not within Community regulations or are sunk – at the owner’s expense.

Whom do I contact if my boat is towed from OHCA property?
You should first contact the manager at Oyster Harbor.


Welcome to the OHCA Piers and Harbors Blog.  Our hope is, that this Blog will aid in keeping the Community up to date on projects and news from the Piers and Harbors Committee.

The Committee Chair for 2011 is Eric Epstein.  Go to the Community website for contact information.

Please also feel free to post comments on Blogs of interest.  You may also subscribe to email notifications as this Blog is updated.

We wish everyone a safe and fun boating season for 2011.